What is procrastination?

The definition of procrastination is “the action of delaying or postponing something.”

Are you a secret procrastinator
We all procrastinate from time to time. But when we find ourselves doing it regularly, it can become an unhealthy problem that stops us from achieving our capabilities.

Starting projects the night before they are due, constantly buy gifts the day before, or late, believing that you work better under pressure. These are all signs that you are falling into the procrastination trap which can become a bad habit to overcome.

Experts believe that there are two main types of procrastinators.

Passive Procrastinators – these people delay working on tasks because they have trouble making decisions. This can be because of a large number of reasons.

Active Procrastinationthese are the people who thrive on doing everything at the last minute. And will openly admit that working under such pressure helps them to perform better.  This may be something you hear more commonly (or even say yourself!) 


According to research, these are some of the following traits that are associated with procrastination:


When you are less likely to plan ahead, you are more likely to procrastinate.

Low Self Esteem

People who see themselves in a negative light are more likely to worry that they will do a ‘bad job’ and so are more likely to put off certain tasks.

Low Conscientiousness

Being conscientious is a sign of someone who tends to be quite organised and focused. If you are less conscientious you are simply more likely to procrastinate.

Sensation Seeking

If you are someone who craves excitement and fun, then boring tasks are not going to be high on your list of priorities. Boring tasks are no fun for anyone – but sensation-seeking procrastinators will add to the excitement by putting tasks off until the last minute.

Are you a secret procrastinator (1)


  • Feelings of overwhelm
  • Putting off boring tasks and wanting to complete only ‘fun’ tasks
  • ‘Imposter Syndrome’ – fears over making mistakes or not feeling ‘good enough’.
  • Being more interested in the future or ‘new projects’ than completing what you’ve started in the present.
  • Tendencies to self-sabotage
  • Easily distracted by other tasks or activities that aren’t as important.

Do you recognise any of the above traits in yourself? Are you a secret procrastinator? How much is procrastination affecting you and your ability to move forward in your work or even your life?

Find out in our next blog what steps you can take to stop procrastination and form new great habits to become more focused and to achieve more.

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Post by Alecs
May 13, 2024