AFIMSC CIO (Retired)
What has your journey to your position been like? What path have you taken?
Started out as enlisted in 1976, served 29 years, retiring as a Chief Master Sergeant in 2005. Hired as a tech planner, worked moving the Expeditionary Support Center from Langley, VA to Randolph AFB, TX, my team managed to avoid $700,000 in costs returning to the project. Moved to Germany in 2012, Director of Communications for high-end wargaming simulations. In 2019 moved to the CIO position.
Has it always been your vision to reach the position you’re at? Was your current role part of your vision to become a tech leader?
No, as I attained each level with great support from my leadership, I looked at the next tier. My main goal was to support my people and mission and be successful.
Have you had a role model or mentor that has helped you on your journey?
Colonel Cloyce Adams, CMSgt Patrick Herendeen. Provided support and guidance.
What skills do you think leaders of the future will need in order to thrive?
Personnel management, keeping abreast of our rapidly changing environment, and flexibility.
How do you keep current with new skills, technologies and personal development?
ISACA webinars, reading tech journals, conferenced
What do you see as the next leap in technology that will impact your business or industry in particular?
"Support, encouragement, professional guidance and mentoring."
If you were mentoring a leader of the future, what advice or guidance would you give to help them on their way?
Support, encouragement, professional guidance and mentoring.
Is there anything in particular that you would still like to achieve in your career, or what is the next step on your journey?
Enjoy retirement.
A big thank you to Michael Osborn for sharing his journey to date.
If you would like to gain more perspective from Tech Leaders and CIOs, you can read some of our other interviews here.

January 24, 2024