As a leader, it's easy to become consumed by work and the day-to-day responsibilities that come with it. However, taking time to step away from the office and pursue adventure can have a profound impact on your leadership skills.

1. Boosts Creativity

Adventure can help to boost creativity and problem-solving skills. When you step outside of your comfort zone, you are forced to think differently and come up with new and innovative solutions to problems.

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2. Improves Decision Making

Adventure can also help to improve decision-making skills. When you are faced with new and unexpected challenges, you learn to make quick decisions and think on your feet.

3. Enhances Emotional Intelligence

Adventure can also help to enhance emotional intelligence. When you are in unfamiliar situations, you are forced to navigate and understand different emotions and perspectives. This can help you to better understand and connect with others.

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4. Develops Resilience

Adventure can help to develop resilience. Facing and overcoming challenges can help you to become more resilient and better equipped to handle difficult situations.

5. Enhances Teamwork

Adventure can also help to improve teamwork skills. When you are working with others to achieve a common goal, you learn to trust and rely on one another, and to work together more effectively. This can be especially beneficial for leaders who are responsible for managing teams.

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Taking time to step away from the office and pursue adventure can have a profound impact on your leadership skills. It can boost creativity, improve decision-making, enhance emotional intelligence, develop resilience and improve teamwork. So, next time you are feeling overwhelmed by the demands of your job, consider taking a break and going on an adventure.

It could be the best thing you do for your leadership development.

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Brad Dowden
Post by Brad Dowden
February 13, 2023
Entrepreneur, Business Leader, CIO, and Founder of The CIO Circle